The Pause
A Mindful Approach to Conflict
What is The Pause?
The Pause is a simple but powerful step that comes before engaging another in conflict. It’s a moment of engaging in emotion regulation, connecting with your body, mind, and spirit. A practical step anyone can try in any stressful situation. It involves three key elements:
Notice: Where is stress rising in your body?
Relax: Intentionally relax those areas.
Reflect: Reflect on what you need with RAIN.

The First Step of Wiser Conflict
The Pause prepares you to engage in Wiser Conflict, a five-step collaborative problem-solving process. Learn more about the skills and tools for mindful conflict resolution in our online course.

Harness the Power of the Pause
Taking the Pause in a moment of stress can bring us back to ourselves and give us access to everything we need to put our crucial communication skills into action. Here are a few ways you can start harnessing the power of The Pause.
Sign up for our next workshop to learn more and practice The Pause.
Schedule a private
coaching session for a guided Pause experience.
What others are saying about The Pause
Loved the journaling portion as it helped me to articulate how I felt, what my body was doing and gave me tools to understand the process and how to engage assertively without resorting to attacking or belittling.
I need to practice this on everyday situations. Notice when my body is sending "signals" to me. Sometimes, I don't even know that there is a conflict until it comes into a confrontation. I want to prevent that from happening more often.
I think the RAIN formula will help me deepen my understanding of myself in a conflict situation and also provide a way to gain insight into how other people are acting or reacting in a conflict situation.